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About Us
The Barona Fire Department was established in 1998 to provide its own dedicated fire service to the residents and patrons of the Barona Reservation.

Station 27
Barona Fire Station was completed in 2000. The station is approximately 9000 sq feet and houses four administrative offices, eight beds for on-duty personnel, and three double-deep drive through apparatus bays.

Description Needed

Medic Engine 27 (E27)
Medic Engine 27 is the Department’s Type I Ferrara Inferno engine received in 2003. The engine seats six personnel. The Engine is the Department’s primary apparatus to respond to structure fires, medical aides, and vehicle accidents. ME27 is capable of responding to the entire fire district within minutes with four personnel, 1000 gallons of water, 25 gallons of foam, we have a full complement of fire hose, ground ladders, and rescue equipment. The engine is staffed with a fire captain, engineer, firefighter/paramedic, and a firefighter 24 hours a day. The engine is able to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) in the event that the Department’s paramedic unit is unavailable.

Medic 227 (M227)
Medic 227 is a Type I Horton paramedic ambulance primarily is our Reserve unit. This unit will be placed in service when Medic 27 is in for repairs and Maintenance. It is also placed in service during events like the Barona Powwow or the need is determined to staff up this unit.

Brush 27 (BR27)
Brush 27, a 2003 Ferrara Type III , the unit is state of the art custom built piece of equipment by Ferrara. A “brush” engine is utilized to respond to wildland fires where a Type I engine cannot. Brush 27 is also a CAFS Unit (compressed air foam unit, which allows it the capability of pre-treating homes in the event of a wildland fire. Very few fire engines in the County have this capability.

Engine 227 (E227)
Engine 227 is the Department’s Reserve Type I Engine. The 2000 Weststates Engine is available to the Department for additional staffing in peak times or if the primary engine is unavailable due to mechanical problems. This second engine provides a higher level of fire protection to ensure an additional or a backup Type I Engine.

Medic Truck 27 (T27)
Truck 27 is the Department’s Type I Ferrara Inferno engine received in 2009. The truck seats four personnel. The Engine is the Department’s primary apparatus to respond to structure fires, medical aides, and vehicle accidents. T-27 is capable of responding to the entire fire district within minutes with four personnel, 300 gallons of water, 25 gallons of foam, and has pump capability of 2000 GPM we have a full complement of fire hose, ground ladders, and rescue equipment. The Truck is cross-staffed with a fire captain, engineer, firefighter/paramedic, and a firefighter 24 hours a day. The Truck is able to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS).

Fire Chief Vehicle 4801/4803
The Fire Chiefs’ staff vehicles are capable of responding to large incidents requiring a command unit. A 2009 Ford F-250 Diesel (4801) and 2012 Ford F250 Gasoline(4802) both are 4X4 and feature custom built command desk in the rear of the vehicles providing communication equipment, maps, and support documents to command a large incident. The vehicles support the fire suppression units with documents, management, and communications.

Fire Chief Vehicle 4802
The Assistant Fire Chiefs’ staff vehicles has the capable of responding to large incidents requiring a command unit. A 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe (4802) both featuring custom built command desk in the rear of the vehicles providing communication equipment, maps, and support documents to command a large incident. The vehicles support the fire suppression units with documents, management, and communications.

Utility 27
Utility 27 is a 2003 Chevy Suburban, This unit is hold two functions, one function is a back up duty vehicle for the Fire Chief and the other usage is to provide a vehicle for the station personnel a way of transportation for Training Classes outside our area.

Rescue 27
This unit is a 1985 international that carries a full set of Amkus Tools, Stabilization Struts, cribbing, extra breathing apparatus bottles, on board generator for scene lighting and swift water rescue equipment. This unit helps supports the engine company on vehicle accidents and is also used to respond to medical emergency.

Medic 27
edic 27 is a Type I 2003 Road Rescue ambulance primarily responsible for transporting patients to the hospital. Medic 27 also responds with Medic Engine 27 to incidents on the reservation providing two paramedics to those in need. M27 is state of the art transporting ambulance providing a safe and comfortable ride to the patients and staff. The unit also responds to the neighboring community of Lakeside, Santee or Ramona for mutual aide
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